Polish Ecological Club in Gliwice

Campaign to reduce Europe’s supply chain impact on forests – Poland

Campaign to reduce Europe’s supply chain impact on forests – Poland

Duration: 09.2022 – 08.2023

Main goals:

  1. Educating the public on the link between imported products and global deforestation
  2. Substantive support for Polish MEPs on deforestation and encouraging them to support the EUDR regulation on imports of products from outside the EU

Main activities which are part of the campaign:

  • Petition – stop the deforestation
  • Webpage
  • social media posts (facebook, instagram, twitter)
  • Media outreach – briefings and press releases
  • Fact sheets about the products connected with the deforestation (palm oil, kakao, coffee, corn, soi)
  • Articles
  • Cooperation with other NGOs
  • Debate
  • Workshops for youth
  • Interpellations

You may be also interested into our reports, which were prepared during last year campaign (soi and beef, palm oil)